CV & Portfolio
You can download my CV and research portfolio from here.
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- Nanahara, T. and Sihwan, L. (2024). Distance to spatial cue affects strategy selection for wayfinding: the process of decision making and experiment in desktop virtual environment. 2024 Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan
- Nanahara, T. and Tabata, E. (2023). How differences in the amount of signage effect on route learning in underground spaces. 2023 Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan
- Nanahara, T. and Sihwan, L. (2024). The non-fixed power balance between two navigation strategies; the demonstration by the controlled experiment. The 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2024
The conference paper - Nanahara, T. and Shinji, K. (2024). How do differences in spatial depth and perceptual fluency affect route selection? The 22nd Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology (Awarded)
Grants, Honors & Awards
- Grant: Financial Support for Reseach Activities of Students in Graduate School of Environmental Studies: Nagoya University
- Grant: THERS Make New Standards Program for the Next Generation Researcher: Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Honors: Graduate Program for Lifestyle Revolution Based on Transdiciplinary Mobility Innovation under the Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education (WISE) Program: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Nagoya University
- Award: JSCP Distinguished Presentation Award (Technology Evaluation Division), The 22nd Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology, 2024
- Award: Best Poster Award, The 3rd TMI Symposium, "Exprolation of Space and Behavior", 2023. 11
- Exhibition: Hinano, I., Kaito, S., Saya, N., Shota, N. and Takanori, N. (2024). onoMAtoPoeiAR, Smart City Expo World Congress
- 七原 宇紀,李 時桓(2024).「経路探索の戦略選択メカニズムに関する研究(その1) 空間的手がかりの距離範囲が屋内における経路探索の戦略選択に及ぼす影響」,2024年度日本建築学会大会
- 七原 宇紀,太幡 英亮(2023).「サイン掲示量の差が地下空間での経路学習に与える影響」,2023年度日本建築学会大会
- Nanahara, T. and Sihwan, L. (2024). The non-fixed power balance between two navigation strategies; the demonstration by the controlled experiment. The 5th Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association 2024
The conference paper - 七原 宇紀,北神 慎司(2024).「奥行きと知覚的流暢性が経路選択に与える影響」,日本認知心理学会第22回大会
- 優秀発表賞:第22回日本認知心理学会優秀発表賞「技術性評価部門」,2024
- 最優秀賞:2023年度TMIシンポジウムポスターセッション,ポスタータイトル「空間と行動の探求」,2023. 11
- 2023年度環境学研究科学生研究活動支援事業・研究奨励支援,「奥行きと知覚的流暢性が経路選択に与える影響」(名古屋大学)
- 東海国立大学機構メイク・ニュー・スタンダード次世代研究事業(東海国立大学機構,科学技術振興機構)
- エキスポ出展: 飯田 雛乃,佐部利 魁人,中村 丞汰,七原 宇紀,二階堂 沙耶(2024). onoMAtoPoeiAR, Smart City Expo World Congress